What's the tea on Kim?
Hey Girl, Hey!!!
I'm Kim, the owner of LSquared Beauty & Cosmetics (formerly LSquared Lips & Lashes). Welcome to my space!
As for me, I'm a product of the Mighty Midwest. Born & bred right in St. Louis, MO. I am a woman who wears many hats. (hint - "dad hats" are totally my thing. I'm pushing 20 in my collection.) I'm a mom, a wife, an entrepreneur (duh), a passionate advocate for developmental & intellectual disabilities, a creative, and a lover of all things *cute*. And...I'm a Virgo.
I started this company at one of the lowest times of my life. I had lost my sister/cousin, Jazmond, to the COVID-19 virus and my husband was also diagnosed positive. My toddler son and I were quarantined in our master bedroom for weeks and I was bored! I began to play in makeup and noticed I had at least 10 nude lip glosses & I hated ALL of them! This is where the wheels started turning.
I began my research journey for the perfect nude lip gloss. After many fails, eventually I received the samples for what would become our - Match Your Melanin line. As I sampled each tube I fell in love with each stroke. I was literally shouting. "OMG, I finally got it!" I sold out of my sample shipment in less than a week. I then thought...well, what else could I offer to compliment the glosses? My next favorite beauty item - Lashes! This is where LSquared Lips & Lashes was born. April 2020.
Why the name change?
As we grew, other things that women like myself struggle with began to come to the forefront. Things like - affordable matte lipstick that won't crack your lips like concrete. Also providing solutions to questions like - Where can I put my wig once I take it off? What if I have 10 wigs? For our one year anniversary, we decided to drop "Lips & Lashes" and add "Beauty & Cosmetics" . This allows us to be inclusive to all the beauty solutions we provide to our customers.